Sunday, January 5, 2014

Snuggle Up! Abiding in Christ

"As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love."  John 15:9

My youngest daughter, Chloe is turning 10 years old this week.  She's having a hard time with the whole growing up thing, and tends to act younger than she is.  My other two are trying to grow up too fast, so I guess they balance each other out!  One of Chloe's "baby-ish" traits is she still demands a LOT of snuggle time.  All children of all ages need to have plenty of quality time with their parents, and I am all for that, but this is more than just your normal quality time.  I think she has a radar that gives off an alarm anytime I sit down in my chair, because she is right there ready to climb up in my lap for a snuggle.  I'm not always able to give her the amount of time she'd like, but I can't resist a good snuggle time with my kids.

As I pondered on last weeks Bible Study in John 15, this picture of Chloe came to my mind.  I wonder what kind of change there would be in our lives if we were like that with Jesus..... radar up and ready to snuggle at a moments notice, constantly desiring more and more quality time.  I'm only human and consequently can only give so much to my kids.  Jesus, on the other hand, is a never ending source of quality time.  He DESIRES that we would abide in His love.  He wants a day in, day out relationship with us.  You will never be denied snuggle time, He is always faithful to meet our deepest needs, and the best part about abiding in Christ is that we reap the benefits.  My life is radically different when I'm abiding in Christ.

 John 15:10 goes on to say that "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love." Our obedience to God (or lack thereof) tells us where our love for Him is.  You cannot love God and live in disobedience.  The two do not go together.  The only way I can live a life of obedience to God is by knowing how He wants me to live and that can only be found in His word.  As I spend time in the Bible and prayer, He reveals to me areas that I need to repent and turn to obedience.

When's the last time you climbed up into the lap of your Savior for some snuggle time?  He's waiting, so grab your Bible and a cup of hot chocolate and settle in for some quality time with Jesus!

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