am I?
This question has been plaguing me lately. Not because I don’t know who I am, but
because I don’t know that others know who I am.
You’re going to have to stick with me here to follow my train of
thought, because I’m pretty sure the conductor of this train went on strike….
When you turn your life to Christ, He gets in there and
starts to do a work on you that transforms you into someone you didn’t even
know existed. It is a glorious, beautiful,
supernatural, amazing process that starts the day you got saved. Those who knew you before you were saved will
witness this transformation. They will
see the power of God in your life, whether they accept it for themselves or not. But, what about those who didn’t know you
before? They didn’t see the hot mess you
were before. They didn’t witness the
struggles in your life to appreciate the transformation that has begun.
Have you ever met someone and thought, “that girl has got it
together, she must have an easy life.”
You compare her joy to your sorrow.
Her confidence to your brokenness.
Her blessings to your pain. Maybe
it’s a teacher at church, or at a conference you attend, or maybe it’s the Christian
girl at work. You look at her and think nothing
bad has ever happened to that girl or she wouldn’t be so happy and peaceful.
am I?
I am a broken mess of a woman. I have 38 years of TRIALS. I know what it’s like to feel abandoned; over
and over again. I know instability. I know what it’s like to have a father who
couldn’t stay out of jail most of my life.
I know grief. I know what it
feels like to lose the ones closest to me.
I know poverty. I know how it
feels to lose a baby in miscarriage. I
know health problems. I know the fear of
thinking your son isn’t going to make it through the night the day he’s
born. I know what it’s like to grow up
in a broken home… twice in my childhood.
I know loss. I know abuse. I know what it’s like to have alcoholic
parents. I know the feeling of lying awake
all night worried about where they were.
I know fear. I know pain. I know brokenness. I know hopelessness. But this is not who I am.
am I?
I am a child of the One true God. I am His masterpiece, created to do good
works that He has established for me. I
know JESUS. I know HOPE. I know JOY.
I know PEACE. I know
LOVE. I know FORGIVENESS. This is who I am. This is the woman that you think doesn’t have
any reason to be a bitter mess. I have
plenty of reasons… BUT GOD. This is the
woman that looks like she has it all together.
I don’t… BUT GOD. This is the
woman who is witnessing transformation happen in her parents lives and I am so
proud of them! I get to share their joy
because their past is not who I am. I
know REDEMPTION. I am a child of the One
true God.
who are you?
Are you broken, or are you healed? Are you hopeless or hopeful? Are you bitter or joyful? I am living proof that you do not have to
live in the shadows of a broken life.
Through Jesus Christ and HIM ALONE you can be made whole. He will make you more than a conqueror as you
continue to submit to His will and allow Him to transform you into the
confident Christian woman that you never thought you could be. It all starts with a relationship with Jesus
Christ. Ask Him to forgive you. Give your life over to Him and then OBEY what
He says in His Word to do.
I’m here to help. If
you need to talk, please send me an email to Melissa@myanointedlife.com I would
love to pray for you!