Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Maybe They Have a Fish

My name's Melissa and I have road rage.

 There, I said it!  It's not the dangerous kind, I'm a very safe driver.  I'm just the kind of driver that likes to get to where I'm going as quick as possible and I get very frustrated when people don't drive the speed limit, or come to a total stop in order to turn a corner.  I didn't realize the depth of my problem until my young children starting telling me to "just go around them, mom!" Talk about a wake up call!  

A couple years ago, we were given a goldfish from a friend and we attempted to drive home while my son held the fish in a fish bowl full of water. Suddenly, I found myself driving 20 miles per hour and stopping before every turn.  The kids thought it funny that I was apologizing to all the cars around me for being one of those annoying drivers.  I had already been working on my road rage, so I took the opportunity for an object lesson. 

 "Maybe I should be more understanding of other drivers. Maybe they have a good reason for driving so slow.  Maybe they have car trouble, or they aren't feeling well and want to be safe, maybe they have food sliding around in the trunk for a party, or maybe, just maybe they might have a fish."  We finished our trip home, the goldfish safe and sound, Peter only slightly wet.  Object lessons are necessary in raising children, but I often don't know if what I've said impacted them or not.  

Several weeks later I was driving somewhere with the kids and we found ourselves behind the slowest driver in town (you know who you are!) and I failed in my mission to be an understanding driver.  I began complaining about this driver and how we were never going to get to our destination.  

Right in the middle of my rant, Peter pipes up from the back seat,"Maybe they have a fish." Silence.  

As I fought back laughter and tears I was humbly reminded by a 10 year old pastor in training that I need to remember the fish. Quit judging, quit complaining. I don't know everyone's situation, I have no right to get angry just because I feel inconvenienced.  What a selfish brat I am. 

Lord, help us to love.  Help us to not be so quick to judge when we have no clue what's going on.  Remind us that you call us to serve, not to take. Help us let go of what we think our rights should be.  Help us remember the fish.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Do All Roads Lead to God?

All roads lead to God.    Do you believe this statement?  Let me follow up the statement with another question.  How are you attempting to reach God?  What road are you traveling?  Maybe you are just trying to do more good things than bad during your lifetime in hopes that God will accept you.  You might believe that we're all God's children and are automatically on the road to God.  Are you holding onto some childhood religious experience to get you to God?  Maybe going to church enough times or saying the right prayers will get you closer.

 If you are thinking about your answer right now, that means that you have a DESIRE to get to God! Jesus tells us in the Bible that "narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."  (Matthew 7:14)  If you're reading this, I want you to know for sure that you are on right road!  

The answer is found in John 14:6 when Jesus makes the bold statement that He is the only way to God. He says "I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE, no one comes to the Father except through Me.  If you had known Me, you would have known My father also..."  According to God's Word, all roads do not lead to Him.  There is ONE road, ONE way and that is through His Son, Jesus Christ.

We are not automatically born as a child of God, although we are all created by God. (John 8:44).  Good works cannot get us to God. (Ephesians 2:8-9).  No one is naturally "good enough" to earn favor with God.  In fact, no one is good at all. (Romans 3:10-12)  It is only through Jesus that we can be redeemed, saved from Hell, and get on the road to God.  When we choose to step off the path we're on and trust in Jesus Christ alone, then and only then can we begin to build a relationship with God.  Everything else we try on our own will fall short.

Do you know Jesus?  I don't mean do you know about Him, I mean have you experienced a relationship with Him?  If you have no idea what that means, I would LOVE to show you more from God's Word!  All roads do lead to God in the sense that one day, we will all appear before God.  If you choose Christ now, you will kneel before Him to enter into His glory and eternal life.  If not, you will also kneel before Him, only to be sent into eternal judgement. (Philippians 2:9-11; Hebrews 9:27; Revelation 20:11-15)  The choice has to be made today, it will be too late when you appear before Him.

What's keeping you from choosing life today?